Decentralized Life
I’ve often thought about how easy it would be to live in Manhattan. Rent a tiny room with a bed. Work in a cafe all day with a laptop. Workout in a gym with a locker. Have laundry done at the gym. Shower at the gym. Wear a handful of outfits. How light and easy life would be. Money in the bank account. Content on the cloud. I’m basically naked, light and free as I flaneur about the city. This is our decentralized future. You’ve Marie Kondo’ed all your belongings. You have few precious possessions in your apartment and the rest lives on in your virtual world. You’ve never owned more, yet carried less. You’ve never been happier, you’ve never been lighter, you’ve never been more free. Virtual ownership, shared content, and near complete control over how you spend your time, and energy. We all become wealthier (as defined by control over how you spend your time), we’re all purpose focused, and creatively conscious. This is the world I want, and this is the world that’s coming.