Cheat Codes & Leveling Up
Don’t complain. When you’re not in the limelight your work is critically important. The time you put in in the darkness contributes and defines the work and what you are when you’re in your moment. Life changes in an instant. In the instances which matter you are who you prepared to be at the height of your power. You’re unable to reach ceilings you’ve not properly dreamt of, prepared for, and touched when close to. Complaining provides no benefit. You are in charge of your destiny. If you suck it’s because you have chosen to suck. This is actually an empowering thought. You’re capable of changing your destiny. There are elements deep within you accessible with the proper mindset to help you reach your goals. If you’ve never gone through the mental process of imagining making a mistake it is physically impossible for you to make that mistake. The reality you experience is a direct result from the thoughts you’ve had and the actions you’ve taken. It’s truly this simple. If you’ve imagined a certain scenario and you act in accordance with the soul of the world true to your intentions you too will reach your goal/destiny.