The Critical Nature of Transparency
If you’re not honest and open with those around you, friend or foe, you’re not only cheating them from the truth, you’re also cheating yourself from a fair interaction with the world. People whether they want to help or hurt you interact with the version of yourself which you present to the world. If you present a false representation of yourself you’re bound to get false cooperation, attacks, and reputations of others claiming to interact with you. Similarly, do not get discouraged along your journey when people falsely attribute certain traits on you. You’re not a finished product and while you continuously level up so too will others understanding and interaction with your energy. In the beginning everyone fights tooth and nail against anything which questions their world view. They’ll claw, shout-down, disparage, and chastise you as negative and unworthy of the positions you hold. Be patient hold to your truths and never never never give up.