The Only Certain Bet
As we enter a new frontier in the sports betting arena in the US, it’s important to remember the only certain bet we get in this life, is the bet on yourself. The only guaranteed bet, we have is the one we make on ourselves. Read that again. Then shove. Push all your chips, and bet big on yourself. The rest was heading to the vig anyways.. The gamble on yourself, however even if you lose, you win. You win, in the self-esteem accrued by overcoming uncharted territory, you win in the self-respect you earn as you improve, iterate, and become the person of your destiny, and you win the vast rewards for someone who has the courage, and the audacity to be authentic in a world which has made its bets on you betting on behalf of others. BET ON YOURSELF - it’s the gamble with the most asymmetric upside in any market you’re likely to find..